JACALYN LOPEZ GARCIA a transmedia visual storyteller

 About the Artist

Sometimes I feel challenged as an individual born in the U.S. because I do not feel completely American.  This feeling has a direct impact on the images I create because it causes me to look inward to my own cultural base.  In doing so I discover reasons for my life, such as why I have to create art.

Glass Houses, 1997

A ” not-to-become” art project becomes a multi-faceted, interactive web-based documentary/performance art project.


This website was created to document the journey of a beautiful golden lab and pit-bull mix, named Goldie Garcia, and her Facebuqueros (Facebook friends) who helped her find “El Cuarto Mago” (the fourth wiseman) so she could get a farm for Christmas.

Read more about Goldie’s journey on Facebook::

Contact: Jacalyn Lopez Garcia * Email: tepati@goldiesfarm.com * vitae available upon request

For information on my latest artistic endeavors and Spiritual Healing Center at Rancho Tepati visit:


Artelunasol.com has moved  This is my new domain… jacalynlopezgarcia.com